Maverick Insider Gift Membership


Gift someone with a Maverick Insider membership. You can choose between a three month or annual membership. If you purchase an annual membership of R1200, they will receive R200 in Uber vouchers every month.

R225 – 3 month membership

R450 – 6 month membership

R900 – annual membership

R1200 – annual membership (includes R200 in Uber vouchers every month for the year)

What is Maverick Insider?

Maverick Insider is the voluntary membership programme of the Daily Maverick. And there are 19,500 people (the best kind of people, if you ask us) that make up the Maverick Insider community who support us by voluntarily paying for a free service in order to keep it free for everyone to access and help fund our solutions-focused journalism. 

For that contribution they get a few bonus benefits: 

  • R200 back in Uber promo codes (R100 for Uber rides and R100 for Uber Eats) every month for R1200 annual membership.
  • Ad-free browsing;
  • Exclusive access to the comments section on our articles;
  • Always on 10% discount on purchases in the Daily Maverick Shop;
  • Free and exclusive access to DM168 newspaper e-edition.
  • 50% discount on all of our events.
  • A bi-weekly behind-the-scenes exclusive newsletter; and
  • Chance to be included on the Insider Expert database where our journalists can call on for expertise when they need it. 
  • Most importantly, the knowledge that your contribution is being used to defend the truth through quality independent journalism.
Maverick Insider Gift Membership – R225
Maverick Insider Gift Membership – R450
Maverick Insider Gift Membership – R900
Maverick Insider Gift Membership – R1,200

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